Ah summer. The smell of cut grass in your nose. The taste of icy cocktails in your tum tum. The light breeze swirling round your bottle tanned legs (newly shaven) and festival face on.
I used to think I was too high maintenance for festivals. Then I went to one. And I copped on a bit. And now I LOVE going to them and look forward to them like no other event of the year. Do you know what’s very equalising? Peeing in a portaloo. Sharing out toilet roll. Washing in a sink with cold water and having baby wipe showers in between.
The result of all this back to basic-ness is an amazing atmosphere of togetherness. Of being at one with the musical earth. Of not worrying about your make-up or your hair, because it’s more important to have clean hands and a pint between your fingers.
A few weeks ago online fashion site JD Williams asked me to take a look at their summer dress collection and choose a dress to showcase. I went with this little number below, as it jumped out at me as being fun, eye-catching and oh so festival ready.
They also kindly offered shoes to match and I couldn’t resist these boots from their ankle boot collection, mainly because I need a new pair (I live in ankle boots) but also because I loved the colour of these and the cowboy type design.
The boots are fabulous. You know a good boot when you smell one. (Literally, the smell of leather nearly knocked me. Sorry vegans). They are really comfy on and they’re a wide fit, so that’s good to know for you all you fat foots. (Like myself).
I’d ordered the dress in a size 10. It was a very generous 10. Too generous. So generous I had to get it taken in! So, if you are ordering, I’d recommend you maybe choose a size smaller, depending on the style you’re looking at.
When I had everything sorted and the dress to my size liking (let’s face it, getting ANYTHING taken in makes you feel like a skinny bi-atch) I got all dressed up and took some photos for you. Don’t laugh. Modelling is really hard work.
Actually we took these photos five minutes before we headed to Vantastival, a boutique festival taking place at Beaulieu House, Co. Louth which was the best of fun and meant I got to try out the dress to festival standards.
Here are my top three things a festival dress needs to do and how this JD number shaped up.
1.Be Eye-catching
Do you know how many lovely girls there are at festivals? Millions. Be lovely too. This did the job with his neon-ness floralness. Loved it.
2. Be Comfortable
I usually choose fashion over comfort, but since becoming a Mammy, I’m been having a word with myself. There are lots of discomforts at festivals, from making your bed on rock hard ground to wakening up in a swelter shed when the sun shines on your tent in the AM. The least you can do for yourself is be comfortable in your clobber. At first I thought this dress might be just a bit longer than I wanted, I like my mini dresses, but as the day wore on, I loved the swish of it as I walked and realised this was the comfort factor I’ve been having a word with myself about. It was also loose around the tummy which was great for the beer and burger belly. (Ahem).
3. Be Practical
By practical I mean no playsuits at festivals. Nothing that buttons underneath. And something that covers you up and means no need for sunscreen. I did need help with zipping this up at the back, but once it was on, it did all of the above.
Here’s a picture of inside the tent as we rocked out with all the other festival goers. It may have been dark, it may have been late, but I still. felt. great. And isn’t that what fashion, style and festival wear is all about?
The yellow print floral dress retails at £20 and the Sole Diva grey studded ankle boots cost £45.
*Disclosure: I received these products to showcase on LadyNicci.com, however this is not a paid for post.
Love this look. This would be a perfect weekend look too – seems as I won’t be heading to any festivals ????
Defo, it’s not just a festival look. I may be wearing it all summer – you’ll be able to spot me a mile away!
Absolutely fab look, the dress looks great on you! Looks like the festival was great craic!
Thanks Lisa, was thrilled with how it worked out. Yes, festival was fab, v small and boutique – really enjoyed it.
Oh those ankle boots are lovely, they’d go with so many different outfits!
Thank you, they do!
Love this look! Those ankle boots are fab x
I love the floral dress on you. Perfect for the season.
Love this outfit, no festivals for me sadly this year but I’d wear this anytime to be honest.
Loving the dress – very Summery! Did you know that the festival photo is upside down, by the way?
Hi Danny, it is on phone, not on laptop, I have to do some WordPress new fangled swap out no doubt to fix it!
I am so loving those ankle boots! Will be checking them out since I’ve seen a very similar pair elsewhere but they were really expensive! I’m off to V in the summer so they would be perfect!
Cool, they’re so comfy on as quite loose fitting. Love them!!
Being comfortable and practical is probably my number one. I am loving how cute this dress is and the cute/print is cute too.
Thanks so much x