Do you ever look at your life and think; that was a great year? I bet everyone can pick out some parts of their life and associate shivery good time feelings with that y-era.
16 was a great age for me. I did transition year, got out into the working world, met new friends, had a drink for the first time; all coming of age stuff.
The year I was made unemployed was a fantastic year. Free from the shackles of stressful work, I had enough money to get by and time to actually live. Exercise, going out, holidays – all replaced hours previously spent commuting and slaving. And 2015, this year, is turning into a fantastic year.
Obviously we have the little spud who is now old enough to be funny, quirky, impassioned and thoroughly entertaining. We can do things as a family now, which previously had been off limits. We’ve returned to restaurants. And occasionally, nightclubs.
With the decision to return to part-time work only, my whole schedule has been opened up. I have time to write. To blog. To research my book. To go to the shops. To spend time with the child. It’s not all idyllic of course – I’m not exactly bouncing round the garden picking daisies – I spend a huge amount of time cleaning. But the balance is right. I can turn around and confidently say to complete strangers; I’m happy.
For the hubby, it’s probably been a bigger adjustment. Most of his week is now filled with childcare. It’s difficult to run a start-up business with nappies for a mouse pad and Bonjela on the laptop screen. So this week we went on the hunt for a bit of office space and he’s managed to find a little corner in an enterprise centre in our home town. I know he’s excited to get out of the house and into a working zone with like-minded people. And again, it has all seemed to land as part of our positive 2015.
Today I was tidying upstairs when I came across a pile of shredded paper. It was the prayer I read at my Grandad’s funeral, which I’d kept for sentimental reasons. Somehow the baby had found it and tried to eat it. I came downstairs to find she had removed one of my tops from the clothes horse, thrown it under her walker and ground it into the floor. I took her back upstairs, put her on the ground and when I turned back to look at her, she was up on her knees and she crawled for the first time. All my irritation turned to joy. And I thought about how my Grandad would love to hear how she makes a singing noise when we sing.
Tomorrow is the long-awaited Irish Parenting Blog Awards. This event has been building in anticipation in our private Facebook group, a bit like the sixth year grad. What are you wearing, where are you staying, who are you bringing, how early is too early to start drinking?
For me, it’s another tick in a line of positive networking events I get to attend in 2015 – a meeting of minds and somewhere where I wouldn’t have seen myself last year. I’m blogging today because no doubt tomorrow and the day after will be filled with getting ready and recovering. Now if only I could positive vibe away a hangover.
Sounds like it’s been a great year so far! Hope it continues even better for you guys! 🙂 #happydays
A very happy week! Hope the awards were fun!! How exciting about the crawling, joy can always shine through. Thanks for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x
Yes, joy can always shine through, what a positive way of thinking! Thanks for the comment. #happydayslinky