LadyNicci Lifestyle Parenting and Literary Blog
Lifestyle, Parenting& Literary BLog

My name is Nicola Cassidy. I live in Ireland, about an hour from Dublin. I’m a wife, a sister, a Mum and a stepmum, a dog owner, home owner, blogger, singer and I work in marketing. I love dancing, drinking and talking. And in my spare time, I write.
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Are you carrying a Cling-On?
May 20, 2015
It’s come to my attention of late that I have given birth to a Cling-On. The Cling-On has been maturing for a while. Gradual symptoms have been creepi…
Book Review: I Forgot To Take My Pill
May 16, 2015
Sharyn Hayden is a woman of experience. She’s done a lot. She’s seen a lot. She’s bought (and probably puked) on the t-shirt. Of all Sharyn’s experien…
8 things you need to know about 8 month olds
May 8, 2015
1) They probably have teeth. And these teeth don’t appear as white shiny pearly things. Instead they push through the gums as slivers of see through g…
Can’t cook, Will Cook: Chicken in Tarragon Sauce
May 6, 2015
Cooking does not rate as one of LadyNicci’s talents. The husband will confirm this. For the duration of our relationship it’s been a bit of a running…
Keeping up with the keyboard
May 5, 2015
Things have been very busy at LadyNicci HQ this week. There was some recovery from the wonderful IPB Awards and lots of follow up too. I love to netwo…
Top ten reasons to buy a ticket to the IPB Awards next year
April 27, 2015
The night of the Mammy and Daddy year (Irish Parenting Blog Awards) took place on Saturday 25 April in Odessa, Dublin. If you’ve never been to Odessa,…
Giving off positive vibes – can you feel them?
April 24, 2015
Do you ever look at your life and think; that was a great year? I bet everyone can pick out some parts of their life and associate shivery good time f…
Women in the workplace: weak or worthy?
April 17, 2015
I spotted her sitting with two men. She had her bottom perched on the edge of a chair, rather like how a 19th century lady would sit; forward, attent…
And the winner of the WaterWipes competition is…
April 13, 2015
Congratulations to Samantha McArdle who has been chosen as the winner of the three month supply of WaterWipes. Baby August pulled the winner from the…
Being routine – how boring are you?
April 11, 2015
“Once you get into a routine you’ll be grand.”
No ever parental phrase was truer spoken.
Pre-bambino I wasn’t a big fan of routines.They spelled bor…
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20 March 2015: LadyNicci Guest post on
25 April 2015: Irish Parenting Blogger Awards.
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