August Lily was born on a Friday. Today is Friday and even though it’s the 21st of August, and she was born on the 22nd, I can’t but help of think back to that day, the weather was just like it is now. Around this time, she had been born and I was in recovery. In fact, right about now, I was getting to hold her for the first time.
If I’m very honest with myself, I know that I can’t really remember it properly. I have clearer memories of being in the recovery room with a small, screaming boy. I think I was worried that if I didn’t appear ‘well’ they wouldn’t let me back up to the newborn I had been separated from.
So when I did get to her, I relaxed. And that’s why I can’t really remember.
Over the past year I have battled with many obstacles. And in the past week or two, as we approach her first birthday I feel an overwhelming sense of relief. Of joy. Of enjoyment of being a parent. Thank God. Because there were real moments of wanting to run, escape, possibly leave my babe in the woods (just for a little while) to get a break.
I am lucky to have a great husband, friends and family who I rely on to support us as we raise our little child. They have kept me sane, stepped in when we needed it, and offered nothing but care and love. I know that many people don’t have that and this has been one of the life lessons we have come to understand.
Today, we share our photos from the first year, to try and paint a picture of the path we’ve taken. I nearly used the word ‘journey’ there, but stopped myself just in time.
August 2014
A little cherub, angel, blessing, miracle, goddess: none of the words could describe how we saw her, as she lay cuddled to Mammy, calm, serene, no crying. That came later. When Mammy was alone, in the hospital. All. Through. The. Night. Bless.
A few days old and going for her first walk. It was difficult for Mammy to even push the buggy and who the bloody hell built footpaths the height of your knee? Anyway, August didn’t mind, she just slept most of the time really. We hadn’t discovered soothers yet. We thought we wouldn’t need them. HA! Yes, I was one of those parents.
September 2014
In September, August’s Godfather and Uncle, Alan got married. August wore a pink rose detail dress. Mammy wore an enormous fascinator to distract from her still enormous tummy. Still, didn’t everyone scrub up well for five weeks post partum?
October 2014
There are a lack of photos round this time. Maybe Mammy and Daddy were too busy feeding, changing and washing baby to get out the camera? She is doing great, but the nights can be long sometimes and we are just finding our feet as new parents, two months in. She’s not quite sure what to make of baths. So far, comme si, comme ca.
November 2014
Baby is growing. She has a cheeky smile and is watchful. Everyone comments that she is so alert. Yes, Mammy thinks. That’s grand for when you’re around, but what about the other 23 hours in the day? Still we are thankful that we have such a lovely, bubbly and ALERT baby.
December 2014
In December we christened baby and were delighted to dress her in the same christening gown that Mammy had wore, her aunt and uncles and even, her cousin. Mammy hopes it can be passed down to August Lily’s babies, if she’s lucky to have them. Mammy notes these are very glamorous pictures she’s posting. That’s because all the others outside of hair and makeup done were deleted or never taken in the first place.
Christmas Day. Yes we did.
January 2015
August Lily is getting cuter by the day now. She is interested in toys and will sit in her chair and watch us and listen. Mammy spends most of January just enjoying her baby, because in February, when baby is only five months old, she has to return to work. Luckily it will be part-time, but still, everyone is worried and would prefer more time to spend with baby on maternity leave.
February 2015
Mammy has gone back to work. It’s tough, but everyone is coping. Mainly because Daddy Day Care is open three days a week.
August has started growing new hair. It’s spiky and fluffy all at the same time. (Kinda like Daddy’s beard).
March 2015
With March comes a high chair because baby has started eating solid foods. Well we say solid, but it’s usually mushy porridge or vegetables. And we say eating, it’s more like tasting and going: PLEUGH.
Daddy is away with work on St Patrick’s Day so we send him this snapshot complete with festive bib.
April 2015
Adaption to food is going well. She’s a good grubber. Evidence above.
Baby is getting very strong at sitting up now and can play by herself with her toys. She is very smiley, and as usual, cheeky as fluff.
May 2015
The doody. Soother. Life saver. The above was a joke. We didn’t really let her go round like this. Or did we??
Bonding continues with Daddy. She has learned to strum (ok thwack) the guitar. We still sing her to sleep each night, but she refuses to fall asleep to anything that isn’t Celine Dion.
June 2015
Baby’s first selfie. She’s been swiping at the screen before you could hold her own bottle. Generation mobile.
July 2015
We take a family break in July. In Ireland. August Lily is great, but the thoughts of packing, her, her stuff and her nap schedule onto a plane is too much. So we head to Sligo and Leitrim and have a fab time in the lashing rain.
Our little lady is growing. Every day she is learning something new. When we get back from our holidays she takes her first steps. We love seeing her grow and develop.
August 2015
And here she is. 21st August 2015. Her last day of being zero. Walking, not talking. Babbling and bruising. Taking every morsel of food we give her and rubbing it in her hair. Two naps a day. Slowly coming round to the idea of cuddles. In the Night Garden obsessed. But nowhere near as obsessed as her Mammy and Daddy are with her. Happy Birthday eve August Lily. We love you. From all your support team xx.
She just bit me. On the leg.
See, I told you she didn’t do sentiment.
Aww happy birthday August!! She’s adorable. I wish I looked even half as good as you did at 5 weeks post partum! Luke had the same funky dummy, we got a great kick out of it 🙂 Well done on completing the first module of 18 in the course of parenting 😉 xo
Ha, you will note the baby acted as a shield for most of the day! Thanks mrs. 17 modules to go. Once they head off to college we dust off our hands completely!
oh my gosh what a beautiful child. Happy birthday to her and happy mammy-versary to you.
Thanks a million Gwen ! xx
She is adorable 🙂 Happy 1st birthday August Lily.
Thanks Nicola : )
What a beautiful story and to see her grow up and develop a littler personality through the photos was so cute. Happy first birthday – hope the next year is just as fun!
Thanks a mil. Really enjoying parenting now. Before it felt like a bit of a battle. That I was not experienced or trained in. One year on, I’m a war veteran!
Awww she is a beauty! Happy birthday gorgeous girl!! xo
What lovely pictures! I did one of these posts last week over 10 months and its amazing looking back through the pictures you have taken. Our babies are growing up so fast. X
Happy Birthday to the gorgeous little lady, gosh it goes so fast! It won’t be long until we’re planning a 1st birthday, pretty sure I only had him last week 😉
Hope you’ve had a wonderful Birthday! Xxx
Awww I have a girlie just a month older than yours and I can totally relate to your struggles and also the amazing, joyful moments of this past year. 🙂
Happy birthday August! What a cutie. She is so full of personality. Love that teeth dodi too lol x
I hated it when the hubby produced it, but do think it’s funny now looking at it! Thankfully we’ve never had to use it in one of those WHERE IS THE DODI moments. Purely for comic effect 🙂
Happy Birthday August! Hope you had an incredible time – she’s such a little cutie! You look very glam in all those pics, am very jealous, my postpartum looks have been in no way matching that! E likes to strum the guitar too 🙂
I know, they create a glam image which is the total opposite of how I spent every other day in pukey clothes and fuzzy hair! Hopefully she’ll be musical, she sings with us all the time, which is very cute 🙂
Oh Happy Birthday little August! Sooo cute – this is a lovely look back on her first year. It goes too fast doesn’t it? Lovely photos. Kaz x
yes, I keep calling her a baby, but she’s not really a baby now. She’s a toddler. Sniff sniff! Thanks for your comment.
Gorgeous photos – especially the June selfie. I hope August had a lovely birthday. My little one is a couple of months older and he’s just come round to the idea of cuddles too – only while In the Night Garden is on!
Alana x
Are you serious?! What is is about that show that brings out the cuddles in kids? We visited her new cousin today and she did give her these weird cuddles where she just lays her head against her body. Was very cute 🙂