You know it’s awards season when
1) There isn’t a long guna to be found in the shops
2) You can’t get a booking for a hair appointment and the baby is eating suspicious twirly bits of hair extensions (or ‘dead woman’s hair’ as himself calls them) lying on the floor
3) You think about booking a hummer, but realise that might look thrashy so you order a horse and carriage instead

Ok, I’m getting carried away. But still, I can dream, right?
Well actually I can, because I’m delighted to announce that I’m up for an award. Yes, a real award, not even a makey uppy one.
Here’s the badge to give you a clue. (Oh and also the title of this post).
This is the first time I’ve been up for an award, so this means I have loads of brownie scoring points left. I’ve never asked you to vote for me before so you may feel contractually obliged (as a reader) to.
Vote for me here or as above, complete your contract obligation. You can log in to vote using Facebook, Twitter or email and you’ll find the Best Parenting Blog category under the For The Family category towards the end.
I’m up against some fantastic parenting blogs that I already follow religiously, so I’m delighted to be featured in the awards, more for the exposure than anything else.
I’ve also voted through all the categories too. I like the idea of these awards because they are based on real parents’ experience and your opinion counts.
Nominations are still open the People’s Awards. This is where you can nominate someone special you’ve met or is still in your life, like Dad of the Year, Miracle Baby of the Year or Nurse of the Year. It’s a real feelgood awards system; recognising people that may not get the kudos for the amazing work they do.
So there you have it. If I happen to be connected to you on Facebook, Twitter or have your postal address, expect begging letters, spam and carrier pigeons.
Because I really want to win. And I could do with a new set of hair extensions.