If you read blogs you might have come across linkys before. These are posts, where there’s a theme and bloggers can join in to add their own. I’m joining in with Snapshot, a lovely linky, taking a moment to write about where you are right now, set up by Awfully Chipper. You can read all the other bloggers who’ve added theirs at the end of her post.
Here’s what I’ve been:
Listening to:
Gloria Estefan. No, really. I put on her CD and I do my best Jennifer Lopez impression while I’m washing the floor. There’s nothing to lift the spirits as much as jazzy, latino brass. It also reminds me of when I was a kid in the 80s and my aunty whizzed me around in her red Nissan Micra blaring Ms Estefan at me in the back until I relented and said I liked it.
Californication on Netflix. We’re on series 3. David Duchovny is amazing in it. There’s tons of sex and at this point it’s getting a bit ridiculous the amount of women throwing themselves at him, but still the script is great and I love that the story follows the life of a writer. Also, I watch Dr. Phil every day. Don’t judge me.
Sylvanian Families with my two year old. I took down part of my own collection, the house and dog family and she’s already busted it up. I don’t know whether to take it back off her, but she is spending so many hours playing with it, that it seems a shame. It seems she has inherited my love for the cute furry figures too. You can read about my Sylvanian obsession here.

The Judge’s Wife by Ann O’Loughlin, published by Black & White Publishing. I like her descriptions and setting and the story line. The one thing putting me off is the dialogue, it feels a bit more written than spoken. But I am super critical as a writer myself and notice things that others might not.
Looking forward to:
Our next night out. We’re aiming for the start of April and will be heading out in Drogheda for a bit of pub crawl ending up in a nightclub. (I WILL party on). So far our past two nights out have been cancelled due to the children being ill. Will we make it third time lucky?
Tea mostly. I’m not drinking too much due to breastfeeding.
Very comfy clothes. My look is baggy trousers with string tops and cardis. Not sexy, but functional. I hope to get back to some sort of glam status soon, but I’m at the inbetween stage after having a baby where I’ve lost weight but not enough to get back to my normal self. And I probably won’t either until I stop breastfeeding so we could be looking at about a year of this ‘on maternity leave’ look. Ah well.
Oh, god, not a lot. My appetite has been terrible lately. I’m slowly getting it back and am trying to eat proper dinners and things, I cooked all this week, but outside of that I’m nibbling on biccies and tea. I reckon I’m living off all the fat stores laid down in pregnancy. SO THAT’s what it’s for!
Working on:
Two things. One: being a better Mammy. By this I mean being less stressed and trying to enjoy my children more, without worrying about minor thing. We are trying to get out lots and just have fun, I want to hear my two year old laughing (in between the tantrums). Two: Book 2. I’ve a long way to go to get get the first draft done, but I’m really enjoying it so far. It’s about a mysterious woman who responds to a job advert for a nanny in Drogheda 1880. The story is inspired by a real advert I saw in the Drogheda Argus of the time.
Permanently frustrated by:
Himself not putting dirty laundry into the laundry basket. He leaves it on top. I’ve now written about it twice, here. Do you think he’ll get the message?
Both my children. Getting to spend so much time with them lets me see their little personalities develop. I am loving the newborn baby stage this time round too as it’s not half as scary and I realise how simple babies are compared to toddlers! We’ve also changed up our childcare a bit, so I’m getting to spend a bit more quality time with the newbie and it means both himself and myself have more structured hours which works better for our family routine too.
Not enjoying:
After a very few tough weeks, where I found it hard to enjoy anything I can honestly say, that I am now seeing the light, and starting to take pleasure in things again. I’m feeling very positive about the future. It’s a great place to be in.

How are things as a snapshot in your life right now? Let me know what you’re listening to, watching, reading, feeling! What a great linky.
Thanks for joining the linky! I’m glad you’re feeling better – it’s a huge adjustment, but you look like you’re rocking it!
Thanks Mrs, I don’t know about that, but loved joining in with this : ) x
Aw how cute is Batgirl?! That mask is amazing.
I know, donated by her cousin, who insisted she take it home!
Glad things are clearing and you are more positive! And as for being a better mum, the fact that you even care about being a good one means you are! And I love Gloria Estefan – can beat those latino rhythms!
One two three four come on baby say you’ll love me!! Love it! Thx for your lovely comment.
Tell me about wearing functional, comfy clothes! I need to get out of this groove! And I can’t wait for my next night out! Sounds like a great linky!
Thanks, it is, lovely to check in with where everyone’s at.
What a great idea and fun to look back on and compare! I love Sylvanians too: my sister collected them as a child so I’m making up for it now as an adult, sadly my daughter isn’t as impressed as I am 🙁 oh well more for me!
Oh they’re just fab, I love them. We have a local shop that has a huge stock of them, it’s great!
Functional comfy clothes are the best, if I could just wear PJ’s all the time I would x
(I do)
Californication! We loved series one and two but gave up because it became a bit OTT. But maybe we will give it another try! Really enjoyed reading this.
Thanks a million! Yes, it has become a bit much, a bit silly, but we’ll stick with it for the while. There’s seven series!
This was a really interesting bog post and I enjoyed it. I love how you talked about all the different things you have been doing. I have been watching Netflix and and we love Sylvanian families too!
glad you’re feeling better about things and it’s all looking more positive. I always find the better weather helps with that. x
What a great post. Good you are enjoying the newborn stage.