What’s your favourite thing about driving? For me, it used to be about jumping in, zooming off and having the freedom to go wherever and whenever I liked.
I blogged before about my long history with cars. The joy of getting driving. The driving test I shouldn’t have passed. Mean old car salesmen. And the ticking time bomb that is a pregnancy bump and a convertible.
These days, driving is a little different. There is no jumping in and seeing where the car fumes take me. There are no long drives down country roads just for the love of scenic old mattress viewing.

There are necessary car journeys to do the groceries and drop to childcare and spin the cat into the rehoming centre on Saturdays. (Know anyone looking for a vicious panther cat, no?)
There are journeys where I spend all my time (responsibly) looking over my shoulder, making funny faces and squawky noises at the child, praying she’ll last the last few minutes home, before completely losing her mind and melting down all over the backseat of my car. In fact, if I can avoid a car journey with the tiny terrorist I do.
As a parent, my driving has changed. I’m more careful. I remember that I have two very precious lives on board. And anyone who drives carelessly in front of me KILLS ME.
I cannot stand to have a car speed by or overtake manically. I am far too aware of the road accidents and after affects of what they might mean. Last week in Dublin a girl was knocked down right in front of my eyes. Two days later, I came upon an accident where a pedestrian had completely smashed up the front windscreen.
Accidents happen. But so does unsafe driving.
Recently Chill Insurance contacted me about a new eBook to offer safe driving advice. They’ve reached out to bloggers like myself to spread the word. I am no driving expert. But I do care that my daughter, my husband and my family get home safely every day, through their careful driving and the others around them.
My tip in the eBook is about fog. It’s a bit of a note to self, because I learned where my fog lights were for my driving test two cars ago. I’m still not sure where the proper fog lights are in both the vehicles we currently use in this house. And, of course, the only time you go looking for them is when you’re right in the middle of…. FOG!
Here’s the link to the ebook. In the meantime, drive safe; because your life, and mine, depends on it.
*This is a collaborative post.