When I was pregnant last summer the very kind mother-in-law dropped round a large packet of WaterWipes. It was the package with four packs in it (usually retailing for about €9.99.) “You’ll need those,” she explained. “They’re WATER wipes.”
Being new to this whole baby thing, I was unsure what the difference these WATER wipes made to cleaning baby’s bottom. I had a whole stack of Johnson’s baby wipes which I’d bought on offer and thought they’d be grand.
Well, when baby came along, it was clear that certain products really were too harsh on baby’s skin. The WaterWipes were lovely; they cleaned and didn’t irritate. They’re also really wet, so you feel like you’re washing down baby rather than just wiping. And they’re easy to get out of the packet. This is important when you’re holding two little legs, a dirty nappy and dealing with a child who has learned to backwards somersault.
Luckily our baby didn’t really suffer from nappy rash, but we were stringent with our wipe routine and quality of nappies. We tried Aldi nappies once and the same day had to go back out to buy Pampers. Our baby has rather a posh bottom it seems.
One day while shopping I picked up a packet of WaterWipes to discover they are manufactured in my home town of Drogheda. I couldn’t believe it. It’s rare that you find a product you love is made right on your doorstep. And to be honest, I thought their packaging and marketing was something that belonged to a company outside of Ireland. I love their new TV ad too, mostly because they baby is a proper newborn and I can’t remember our baby being that size.
LadyNicci WaterWipes competition
I was delighted this month to be contacted by the PR agency behind WaterWipes with a reader offer. For the first time on this blog, I can offer a prize to my lovely readers and all you have to do is like the WaterWipes facebook page here and comment below on this blog. The prize? A three month supply of WaterWipes! This is a fantastic prize for anyone who has kids or knows kids so please enter and spread the word.
We still buy Water Wipes but do tend to mix it up a bit now that baby is older with cheaper alternatives. At €2.99 a packet, they are pricey, but you probably use less (as they’re so wet) and I guess they’re a ‘premium’ product. You’ll usually find them on sale at €2 in most pharmacies though.
Apparently you will always know a parent because they always come armed with baby wipes. Keys, phone, wallet, baby wipes. And baby. Oh yes, forgot the bloody baby.
The schnakey bits
Facebook is in no way associated with this competition. Competition is open to all readers over the age of 18 and you do not have to be resident of the Republic of Ireland to enter. Closing date is 3pm Monday 13th April. Winner will selected at random from comments list and will be announced on LadyNicci blog. WaterWipes have not paid me to write this blog, nor have I received any product in return for this post.