Teething babies. Is there anything worse? Puking babies maybe. Although I could probably deal with puke better than the pure suffering of my baby as her gums are splitting open. SAD FACE!
Our second daughter Bonnie seems to have teethed a lot harder than her sister August. She’s usually a very happy little soul, full of fun and mischief and ready with a smile. When the smiles turn into pouts, sharp cries and the weird archy back thing while she flings herself around the sofa, you can be pretty sure she’s teething.
Know what else gives you a clue? Desperate nappies. The less said the better about those good godders though.

When MikaB Teething Jewellery contacted me to review their teething products, I couldn’t resist. “Anything that might help my baba!” I cried. I’d seen the products reviewed by other bloggers and they always appealed to me.
We got the butterfly teether, the teething necklace and the pacifier tie to try. All of the products are made from non toxic, food grade silicone. They’re bright and colourful, easily washable and feel smooth in your hands. I whipped out all the products to see how Bonnie got on with them.
Bonnie, of course, at eleven months old has a mind of her own when it comes to playing with toys. We have Sophie the Giraffes, a large one and a small ringed one and no matter how many times I put them in in her hand, she always flings them away. They just don’t appeal to her, even at the height of her teething. To my sheer disappointment, she showed little interest in the lovely products we were sent too!
I thought she’d be mad for the necklace as she always pulls at anything I’m wearing, but we couldn’t awaken her interest in it at all. We fared a lot better with the butterfly teether, maybe because she could grip it better or the colours were more appealing to her. I thought it was a lovely product, perfect for small hands.
By far the most used product has been the pacifier tie as she brings it to bed with her every night and as she’s gotten that bit older she can attempt to find it in the dark among all the blankies.
I like that it is stiff and solid and easy to find for little hands. Again, we couldn’t get her to chew on it to try and relieve some of her discomfort, but by now she has firmly established that teething toys are just not her.
I really liked these products – they’re pretty, practical and provide a solution to an age old baby problem. The fact that our baby didn’t take to them, doesn’t mean yours won’t and I think they make a really nice, present for a new Mum or Dad. I wonder if she had of had them earlier in her life would she have become more attached to them.
Two things I would note for review purposes – the clip on the pacifier is not that wide and sometimes we struggled to get it onto clothing. Secondly, with the necklace, I worried that she would get it and wrap it around her neck! It’s definitely something for you to wear and have you baby pull at, just to be safe – no leaving them alone with it.
You can follow MikaB on Facebook here and Instagram here. Their website is MikaB Teething Jewellery where you can view the full range of products they supply. There’s tons.
LadyNicci verdict – a great gift that may help a baby and parent out a bit further down the line. Our teether just likes to suffer. A little martyr. And us, her parents – saints.
We were sent these products to try for review. This is not a collaborative post.